Outside Scholarships

在制定你的大学财务计划时, 你当然不局限于澳门十大赌城官方网站以及联邦和州政府提供的项目.

外部的民间和私人组织通常有奖学金, 为大学生提供助学金和其他形式的资助. As a rule, 学生应该向他们的高中辅导员咨询, employers, parents’ employers, churches, 或者他们所属的任何其他社区组织, 以便找到他们可能申请的其他助学金或奖学金项目. 

你也可以在网上搜索外部奖学金机会. Please note that you or your family should never pay for help finding financial aid; we recommend the following resources:


 Minority & Diversity Scholarships

Additional Sources of Aid

Graduate Assistantships

研究生有资格申请研究生助学金. FSU的助教奖学金是一学年5000美元的津贴,并免除学费. 研究生助理要求每周工作20小时. 研究生助理从事研究工作, projects, teaching, 或其他与学习计划直接相关的活动. Applications and additional details for the graduate assistantship program can be obtained through the Office of Graduate Services, 141 Pullen Hall, Frostburg, MD 21532-2303. 您也可以致电(301)687-7053联系研究生服务办公室,或通过以下方式联系 visiting their website.

Graduate International Fellowships

国际研究生可以申请研究生国际奖学金. 奖学金一学年的津贴为6650美元,并免除学费. 奖学金获得者需要每周工作20小时. Applications and additional information concerning the graduate international fellowship program can be obtained through the Office of Graduate Services, 141 Pullen Hall, Frostburg, MD 21532-2303. 你也可以致电(301)687-7053联系研究生服务办公室.

State Work-Study Jobs

对于那些没有资格参加联邦勤工俭学计划的学生, 每个学院的工作机会都是有限的, administrative, and auxiliary area. 财政援助办公室每年收到一次有关这些职位空缺的信息, at the start of every fall semester. Interested students should contact our office during the first week of school in the fall semester if they are seeking information on open state work-study positions.

Veterans’ Benefits

有关退伍军人福利的任何问题都应向退伍军人服务办公室提出, FSU Veteran's Center, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD  21532-2303.  您可以致电(301)687-4409或通过电子邮件与退伍军人服务办公室联系 vets@cpe-xj.net.

Vocational Rehabilitation

如果你是残疾人,你可能有资格获得职业康复福利. 联系你当地的职业康复办公室获取信息和申请.


LaLitta Nash McKaig Scholarship Fund - The LaLitta Nash McKaig Scholarship Fund is a scholarship program designed to assist local students with the cost of attending college. 要符合资格,学生必须是贝德福德或萨默塞特公司的居民., PA; Mineral or Hampshire Co., WV; or Allegany or Garrett Co., MD; and have obtained a high school education or equivalency from one of these counties. 学生还必须在获得认可的全日制学院或大学就读,才能获得资格. Students must meet specific academic and income criteria in order to be eligible for the LaLitta Nash McKaig Scholarship. Applicants must submit an application, along with additional application materials, 拉丽塔·纳什·麦凯格基金会的捐款. 要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 download a copy of the application.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarships

The Cooke College Scholarship Program
Criteria:    The Cooke College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend and graduate from the nation’s best four-year colleges and universities.  See web site for application details. 
Deadline: November

Criteria: The Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is a highly selective scholarship for the nation’s top community college students seeking to complete their bachelor’s degrees at four-year colleges or universities.  See web site for application details. 

Citizens Bank Good Citizen Scholarship - The Citizens Bank Good Citizen Scholarship Fund is a program that provides funding to students who complete an outstanding service to their community.  Applicants are asked to write an essay of no more than 500 words demonstrating their good citizenship through community volunteerism and leadership. 他们还必须提供与社区参与直接相关的两个参考. TruFit好公民奖学金的申请期将于周二开始, April 15, 2014 and run through Tuesday, May 6, 2014 or until 2,000 applications have been received, whichever occurs first. 欲了解更多信息,请访问以下奖学金页面.

Citizens TruFit Good Citizen Scholarship

The Mary Rubin and Benjamin M. Rubin Scholarship Fund – The Mary and Benjamin Rubin Scholarship Fund is a scholarship program designed to assist women who are residents of the state of Maryland with the cost of attending college. 除了是女性和马里兰州的永久居民之外, students must meet specific academic and income criteria in order to be eligible for the Mary and Benjamin Rubin Scholarship Fund. 奖学金每年从500美元到2500美元不等,只能用于支付学费. Applicants must submit an application, along with additional application materials, 3月1日前交中央奖学金局. To view the application requirements, or to apply for this scholarship, 请按以下连结浏览中央奖学金局网页.

The Mary & Benjamin M. Rubin Scholarship Fund

The GE-Reagan Scholarship Program - The GE-Reagan Scholarship Program is a scholarship program designed to assist graduating high school seniors planning to attend college pursuing a bachelor's degree in Fall 2011. To qualify, 学生必须是美国居民, demonstrate financial need, have a high school GPA of at least a 3.0, 展示领导能力,由合格的社区领袖提名,并由权威人士推荐. Applicants must submit an application, along with additional application materials, by March 18, 2011. 奖金每年最高可达1万美元,最多可延长三年. 要查看申请要求,或申请该奖学金,请点击下面的链接.

The GE-Reagan Scholarship Program

The Pauletta & 丹泽尔·华盛顿神经科学天才奖 - Gifted Scholars in Neuroscience Awards are available to support the research in the fields of Blood-Brian Barrier and Drug Delivery into the CNS, Tumor Immunology and Cancer Vaccine, Gene Therapy, Gene Discover, and Advanced Surgical Technology. 奖学金适用于主修或拟主修理科的全日制本科生和研究生, 谁有兴趣在上述领域进行研究. 申请人必须是美国公民或永久居民.S., 是否需要向国家级神经科学机构提交一份研究摘要或科学论文, 癌症或神经外科的会议, and must be able to travel to Los Angeles, California, to attend the award ceremony. 要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 download a copy of the Pauletta & 点击下面的链接申请丹泽尔·华盛顿神经科学天才学者奖.

The Pauletta & 丹泽尔·华盛顿神经科学天才奖

Haz La U (Make the U) Educational Grant Haz La U教育补助金给予合法的美国学生.S. 西班牙裔体面的高中高年级学生,希望上大学的居民. 学生必须年满16岁,并在获得奖项后两年内进入大学. Sixteen awards are given. 将有一个10000美元的大奖和15个1000美元的一等奖. There can only be one winner per household. To apply, students must complete an application form and write an essay on the topic of how education can impact the heritage of Hispanic generations to come. To view the application requirements, or to apply for this scholarship, 您可以点击下面的链接下载Haz La U教育补助金申请的副本.

Haz La U (Make the U) Educational Grant

USM Women's Forum Scholarship Fund - The USM Women's Forum Scholarship Fund provides several $500 scholarships to eligible undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in an USM institution. 这些奖项对男性和女性都适用. Applicants must be a U.S. 在USM机构注册的公民,至少有2.8 GPA, 已修满48个或以上的本科学分或9个或以上的研究生学分, and provide proof of financial need. 申请人必须提交一份完整的申请, as well as copies of official transcripts, 前两年联邦税务报表或财政援助报表复印件, 还有一份个人陈述,说明短期和长期的教育和职业目标. 完成的申请和证明文件必须不迟于6月30日收到, 2008. Preferred candidates will be residents of the State of Maryland and be pursuing educational and career goals that focus on the social, economic, political, scientific, and health conditions that impact women. To view the application requirements, or to apply for this scholarship, 你可按以下连结下载女子大学论坛奖学金申请表.

USM Women's Forum Scholarship Fund

Spectrum Women's Opportunity Award -对家庭(包括子女)负有主要责任的妇女可获得奖励, spouse, siblings and/or parents). 申请人必须注册,或计划注册,在认可的本科课程学习. 申请人还必须证明有经济需要. To view the application requirements, or to apply for this scholarship, 你可按以下连结下载Spectrum妇女机会奖励基金的副本.

Spectrum Women's Opportunity Award

Graduate Teaching Scholarships from CSB - The Central Scholarship Bureau has several scholarships available to graduate students who are aspiring to become teachers, 包括施特劳斯基金会教师补助金, which is a grant of up to $5,000 given to graduate students in education planning to teach math or science in the Baltimore City Public Schools; the BHD Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teachers, which provides scholarship funding for graduate students planning to teach in public schools upon graduation; and the Kassap Family Scholarship Fund for Teachers, which provides 4 scholarships of up to $5,000 each to graduate education students, 计划在马里兰州公立学校任教的人将优先考虑. The CSB requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 and a maximum family income of $91,它的大部分项目每年的学费为1万美元(马里兰州的中位数). To view the application requirements, or to apply for these scholarships, 如欲浏览中央奖学金局网页,请按以下连结.

Central Scholarship Bureau

贝德福德县保护区奖学金 - The Bedford County Conservation District has two scholarships available to undergraduate students who are studying in the field of environmental science. 学生必须选修自然资源方面的课程, soils, plants, animal science, agriculture or forestry. 你必须至少是大学二年级的学生才能申请. 奖学金将根据经济需要颁发, academic merit, curriculum of study, quality of the written essay, 与贝德福德县保护区的使命相一致的职业目标. 威廉·普朗克纪念奖学金的截止日期是6月30日. 格伦海滩纪念奖学金的截止日期是5月31日. To view the application requirements, or to apply for these scholarships, 您可以点击下面的链接访问贝德福德县保护区的网站.

Bedford County Conservation District

贝德福德第1245章驼鹿奖学金的女性 贝德福德第1245章驼鹿的女人有500美元的奖学金给贝德福德县的女人. The deadline for this scholarship is May 1. For more information on this scholarship, or to request an application, please write to the address below.

Scholarship Committee
Bedford Chapter #1245
Women of the Moose
PO Box 264
Bedford, PA 15522

退伍军人联合基金会奖学金计划 -退伍军人联合基金会赞助了一场征文比赛,奖金高达20美元,000 in scholarship funds. 学生必须是阵亡现役老兵的儿子、女儿或配偶.  Awards will be based on essay, financial need as demonstrated by the FAFSA, and involvement in extra circular activities.  要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 visit the Veterans United Foundation website by clicking the link below.

Veterans United Foundation Scholarship

Appalachian Health Career Scholarship - The Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) at the University of Kentucky is administering scholarships where funding has been provided by the New York Community Trust, 阿巴拉契亚学生在健康或健康相关领域寻求教育.  Students must be full-time, seeking a degree in a health-related field, 来自ARC定义的阿巴拉契亚县.  这里列出了符合条件的县的列表.  要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 visit the VA Mortgage Center's website by clicking the link below.

Appalachian Health Career Scholarship

Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund -自由联盟奖学金基金为全日制学生提供奖学金, 24岁以下的本科学生,是美国公民的子女.S. service member who, 由于作战任务或训练事故导致永久残疾(100% VA伤残等级), was killed in action, or is classified as a POW or MIA. The scholarship deadline is July 31. 要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 visit the Freedom Alliance's website by clicking the link below.

Freedom Alliance Scholarship

MAC-IECA Scholarship - The Freedom Alliance Scholarship fund provides scholarships to students who are enrolled in 4 year colleges or universities considering a career in erosion and sediment control or a related field. The fields include, but are not limited to Biology, Environmental Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Natural Resource Management, Geology, Forestry, Agricultural Science, and Environmental Education. 奖学金截止日期为2011年12月12日. 要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 visit the MAC-IECA's website by clicking the link below.

MAC-IECA Scholarship

MD Forestry Board Scholarships- MD林业委员会基金会为大二新生提供奖学金, sophomores, juniors, or seniors residing in MD, PA, VA or WV, 谁主修林业或相关领域. 学生必须表现出对森林保护的兴趣,并且至少有2.0 GPA. Students may be full or part-time. 奖学金的金额为1000美元. The scholarship deadline is June. 要查看申请要求,或申请此奖学金,您可以 visit the MD Forestry Board's website by clicking the link below.

Forestry Board Scholarships

DC Tuition Assistance Grant Program - The D.C. 学费补助计划为华盛顿特区提供资金.C. 学生可以在全国任何地方接受高等教育. Under this program, 联邦政府支付州内学费和州外学费的差额. Need is not a determining factor. 要获得这个奖项,你必须是华盛顿特区的居民.C., and you must complete D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant application. This application is available online at 国家教育监督办公室(OSSE)的网站. 有关该计划的更多信息,请联系D.C. Mayor’s Office by calling (202) 727-2824.

Criteria:    Available to students who live within the service area of the Western Maryland Health System and are currently accepted or enrolled in a health care curriculum. A minimum 3.GPA是必需的,并且必须保持0才能收到付款.  Online Application
Deadline: March 30

Conroy Scholarship - The Conroy Scholarship 在马里兰上学的马里兰居民可以使用. It is available to veterans who are disabled 25% or more and have exhausted their veterans benefits; sons and daughters of persons killed or 100% disabled as a result of military service; sons, daughters or spouses of persons killed or 100% disabled as a result of employment as a state or local public safety employee; sons, daughters, or surviving spouses of someone killed during the 911 attacks; persons declared MIA or a POW during the Vietnam War, or sons and daughters of such persons. 该奖学金的截止日期为7月15日,申请应提交给FSU的经济援助办公室. The award amount varies, 这取决于你的学费和其他经济援助资源.

Conroy Criteria
Conroy Application

Wyatt Haggerty Memorial Scholarship - The Wyatt Haggerty Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Wyatt Haggerty.  It is available to students at Frostburg State University who are enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Collaborative Program.  该奖学金的截止日期为2021年4月1日晚上11:59. Online Applicatio

Office of Financial Aid

  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • FAFSA: 002072