Accept or Decline Your Offer

You have received your financial aid notice. Now what should you do? The next step is 登录to 爪子 and accept or decline your financial aid offers.

Accepting financial aid carries certain rights and responsibilities. When you are awarded financial aid, it is assumed that you will read and understand the conditions of your aid and your rights and responsibilities.

奖助金 and Gift Aid

All grants and other forms of gift aid (items that you do not have to repay, such as scholarships, 学费减免, and VA benefits) are already accepted for you. You do not have to accept these awards.

Please note that the amount of such awards depends upon your enrollment status. Full-time enrollment status is assumed for all undergraduate students unless our office is notified of a change in enrollment.

联邦半工半读的 (if offered)

You may only accept or decline 联邦半工半读的. You may not change the amount. If you are accepting this offer, you must also report to the 金融援助 Office during the first week of the semester to pick up a 联邦半工半读的 contract and instructions on how to find a job on campus. Keep in mind that 联邦半工半读的 (FWS) funds do not credit your bill with the University as a payment. FWS awards are treated like a job and direct deposits are made to each student's personal checking or savings account on a bi-weekly basis.

You will be sent further instructions at a later date. Please watch both your regular mail and check your Frostburg State email account frequently for more information.

Federal Direct 工作人员ord 贷款

To accept or decline the loans offered to you, click on the button called "Start Loan Acceptance" and follow the instructions. The loans offered to you are the maximum you can borrow. If you choose to reduce your loan, you will be given the opportunity to accept the loan at a lower amount during this step. You may not reduce your loan below $200.

If you are offered both a Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Direct 工作人员ord Loan, you must reduce the Federal Direct Unsubsidized 工作人员ord Loan first.

If you accept any portion of a Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized 工作人员ord loan, you must also complete a 工作人员ord Loan Entrance Interview and Master Promissory Note (或然数). 


If your parent wishes to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan, please have them go to and log in as themselves. They will need their FSAID 登录. Once inside, they will need to select "Request PLUS Loan". All PLUS Loan borrowers must be approved through a credit check in order to obtain this funding. The credit decision should be instant after all of the required fields have been completed, 如果得到批准, the parent borrower must then complete an MPN (Master Promissory Note) for the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan for Dependent Students. Parent loans cannot be processed if the MPN is incomplete.

父母 may not apply for the Parent PLUS Loan until after May 1, 2022. We recommend waiting until the bills are available in July before applying for the Parent PLUS Loan, so that you will know the amount you would like to apply for. 

Office of 金融援助

  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • FAFSA: 002072